Our mission is to bring daily training to Businesses, Schools, Police, Fire and EMS organizations throughout the United States.
More and more the actions of our law enforcement, first-responders and business community are being publicly displayed and scrutinized. Many of these actions have tragic results for everyone involved. Our worlds are often defined by milliseconds. Netrastar Academy is uniquely designed to prepare you for these moments.
Most training works to create what is known as declarative memory. According to Kim Ann Zimmermann, Live Science Contributor, Declarative memory consists of facts and events that can be consciously recalled or "declared." Also known as explicit memory, it is based on the concept that this type of memory consists of information that can be explicitly stored and retrieved.
Declarative memory differs from procedural memory, which encompasses skills such as the use of objects or movements of the body that are deeply embedded and are performed without being aware.
Research indicates that when we are required to make a quick or unexpected choice, our habit will trump our declarative memory. Training and performance only go hand-in-hand when we rehearse and reinforce a desired outcome.
It is one thing to teach a lesson, it is another to make sure that the lesson has been learned. Declarative Learning offers the student the ability to repeat or recite what has been taught, which is what most learning programs require. Netrastar Academy takes a different approach. We not only teach the lessons that your organization believes are important, Netrastar Academy reinforces what has been learned by creating habit.
The workplace, whether it is that of the first-responder or the business person, presents many distractions. Often times in the midst of great chaos or stress, you are expected to react quickly and decisively. In these situations, the person who has the stronger work habit has a huge advantage. Research indicates declarative and habit memory compete with each other during distraction. When in doubt, the brain chooses habit memory because it is automatic.
Two bestselling books, Outliers (by Malcolm Gladwell) and Talent is Overrated (by Geoff Colvin), describe how outstanding success is available to anyone who is willing to apply deliberate-practice. Both of these books also point to the “10,000 hours” rule, the time it seems to take to become an expert performer. That’s roughly how long it took for Tiger Woods and Mozart (being trained by their dads), for the Beatles (mostly playing in Germany), Bill Gates (messing around on his high school computer) and for all the other geniuses you’d think were born uniquely talented. They deliberate-practiced for about 10,000 hours before they made any outstanding contributions to their field. This suggests that such greatness is more widely available than we’d think. The dark side of this insight of course is that finding the time is probably the biggest obstacle.
Netrastar Academy is designed to create desired outcome instinctively. By using the guidelines established by your company or organization, Netrastar Academy helps you practice being great everyday.